Dinosaur Fossil Found In Bavaria

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fossil collectors in Germany have discovered one of the best preserved dinosaur skeletons of which have been found - a baby theropod carnivore that resembles a small Tyrannosaurus - and the media is quickly gaining fame, aided by little sympathy probable.

Just 72 centimeters long, the fossil is supposed to be 150 million years and found 98 percent intact in the limestone near Kelheim, in Bavaria, southern Germany, two years ago. Even some of his skin and hair like filaments, which is an early form of feathers - called "protofeathers" - is preserved.

The discovery was kept secret until now. The fossil has undergone scientific studies and will be presented to the public for the first time on October 27 in Munich Show, an international exhibition of minerals, gems and fossils.

"This is one of the most complete dinosaur skeleton ever found all over the world," Oliver Rauhut, curator of paleontology and geology collection in Bavaria, who led the international team that examined the animal, said in an interview.

"When I saw him, it was hard to believe it was true, because it was so well preserved. It seemed that he had been made by a person to hang in their living room. However, studies have shown that it was genuine. "

Theropods, which includes the fearsome Tyrannosaurus, are the rarest of dinosaur finds. Fossil of Tyrannosaurus, but has not found a new species of dinosaurs previously unknown.

The Lord said, Rauhut Find the "great scientific importance 'because of the completeness of the skeleton, the presence of hair-like filamentous structures in it, and his youth. It is believed to have been an older baby or a little over a year, when he died.

"It 'very hard to tell how the animal was raised as an adult. It is possible that it would be up to eight or nine feet long, but it can also be just two or three meters," he said.

The large size of the skull from the rest of the body was a sure sign that he was very young when he died, he said.

The studies of theropod young people can help shed light on the mechanisms of evolution, because recent research suggests that changes in the process of rising played an important role in how the creatures evolved.

Theropod bones are better preserved than those of the feathered dinosaurs discovered in China in the 1990s, the researchers said. These are the ones who are so full, but there are millions of young people.

"The good thing about this discovery is the preservation of the bone," said Rauhut. "Similarly, complete skeletons have been found in China dinosaur feathers. They look good from afar, but if you study under a microscope, you can see that the conservation of bone is not so great. "

Another remarkable aspect of the discovery of Kelheim is preserving thick hair-like structures in parts of the animal. Hair of the dinosaurs was investigated as it could have developed in feathers first detected in the fossils of Archaeopteryx, the earliest known bird, found in Germany in the 19th century. This finding suggests that dinosaurs evolved into birds.

"This new theropod is probably the most important fossil found on German soil after the discovery of the original bird Archaeopteryx," said Mr. Rauhut.

A small dinosaur in his mouth opened to reveal a little 'teeth is rapidly gaining a reputation in Germany, where a radio station has launched a phone in a name. Bild, the country's main tabloid, already one - the "baby-Schnapposaurus" - because it seems to want to take someone's ankles.

"He has won many hearts in Bavaria. People here are really moved by him," Dan Ravasz, a spokesman for Munich Show in Monaco, said in an interview. "You can almost detect his personality, because it seems so lively and cheerful, as if it bounces all over the place. You can also see her little teeth."

Mr. Rauhut said it was impossible to say what killed the animal, but can be drowned. Fossil is registered in the German cultural treasure, which is why it will never be sold.

For more information related to dinosaurs, visit rareresource.com.


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