Dinosaurs Eat Bones Giant Aggressive?

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tyrannosaurus rex was a predatory dinosaur. It was a huge animal with huge jaws, lined with railroad spike tooth size that could be hit a prey animal with enough force to puncture the bone. At first glance one might think that the answer to the question "What do Tyrannosaurus rex eat?" Would be "something, it would be," but in a new paper published this week in the Journal Lethaia, paleontologists David Hone and Oliver Rauhut explains the truth about the eating habits of Tyrannosaurus dinosaurs and other large predators are much more complicated.

For years it was postulated that the Tyrannosaurus and its relatives (such as Albertosaurus and Daspletosaurus) activates the bones crushed and ingested as part of their normal diet. Compared to other large theropods such as Allosaurus and Giganotosaurus, T. rex had very robust skulls and teeth adapted for chewing appeared to be bones, not just cutting meat. Strangely, however, traces of feeding behavior is rare. Throughout the fossil record of dinosaur bones have been found with theropod snapping them contain scratches and bites that suggest that bone contact was accidental. Direct evidence of large predatory dinosaurs actively bone something to eat, and easily visible traces in the fossil record of mammals later, is almost absent.


Large theropods ingested some bones is a certainty, however. Coprolites (fossilized dinosaur feces or) large theropod often contains traces of bone, and these dinosaurs probably ingested fragments of ribs, vertebrae, bones and other relatively low during the feeding. It was not the use of bone as a food source in itself, as seen from the modern spotted hyena, but a by-product of other dietary habits. This would make more sense if those who Hone and Rauhut suggests large theropod dinosaurs fed mainly on young people.

A scene that shows a lot of documentary Allosaurus attacking an adult Diplodocus is a convincing recovery, but Perfect Rauhut and support these events were probably rare. It would be difficult and very dangerous, even for large theropods to kill an animal so large. Instead of large theropods probably feeding on the sick, old and young, such as large carnivores today. If this is correct, it could explain why juvenile dinosaurs are rare in the fossil record and the reason they are often in groups.

There is no doubt that large theropods, at least sometimes attack prey animals of adults, but young people would probably much easier to catch. Similarly, in young animals would be small enough that a large theropods could not be avoided by eating at least some bones during feeding smaller animals. Thus the presence of bone coprolites, bones and the lack of evidence supporting the use of theropods has been reconciled.

Hone and Rauhut As noted, however, assumptions about how the theropods hunted and eaten by the dam will be tested by further testing. It is possible that the fossils may help us understand the habits of large theropods were not saved or destroyed during the excavation, and it would be useful to paleontologists could keep these questions in mind, while in the field or the examination of specimens of age. Today does not appear that large theropods large bones crushed regularly for consumption, but it would be great if the evidence could not be found!

For more information related to dinosaurs, visit rareresource.com.


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