Butch Is A Carnotaurus Dinosaur Tail Champion Sprinter

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

If you look at the skeleton of a carnivorous dinosaur called Carnotaurus, two features stand out immediately: the head and arms. The skull is short formidable, deep and surmounted by two horns bad. Therefore, the name "bull meat." The weapons are much less dangerous. - They are so short that Tyrannosaurus forelimbs are stunted as a wrestler These body parts are different, but Scott and Philip Currie of the University of Alberta that the most interesting parts of Carnotaurus are the hips and tail.

Reconstruction of the hind legs of meat-eating bull, and Currie, people have found evidence that this dinosaur was much faster than anyone hahttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifd thought. Powered by a massive tail muscles, Usain Bolt is Cretaceous Carnotaurus was adapted to a short burst of sprinting.

Carnotaurus is the most famous member of abelisaurids, a group of large predatory fish, dinosaur hunting in the Southern Hemisphere, while tyrannosaurs ruled the north. When an Argentine paleontologist José Bonaparte found the animal in 1990, suggested that it would be a good runner. Others argue that this view into question, when they found more closely related to abelisaurids by the hind legs of the arts mentioned a slower rate.

But dinosaurs leg bones are not telling the whole story speed of operation of a dinosaur. We must also see the tail. Carnivorous theropods such as Tyrannosaurus and the Carnotaurus had a pair of large muscles along the sides of the tail. These muscles, known as caudofemoralis inserted into the thigh bone of the animal. When they entered, took his back leg, a demonstration of force-feeding operation.

Last year, people and Currie analyzed caudofemoralis the show that T. rex probably run faster than people thought before. But Carnotaurus was probably even faster. It could have been one of the fastest of all large theropods, although individuals and Currie have not calculated a top speed again.

The duo found that the dinosaur had a special caudofemoralis butch. Its tail bones each have a pair of unusual crescent-shaped protruding tabs on each side. Currie and people think that these bands - also known as "caudal ribs" -. Served as anchor points for abnormally high muscle caudofemoralis was bigger for the size of the animal than any other theropods, which accounted for 15 percent of their total body weight. When this muscle contracted Carnotaurus powerful, has withdrawn its hind legs back with extreme force of "sudden sprints and expenses simple."

Carnotaurus but paid a price for its speed. His ribs could have a tail anchored strong muscles running, but they were also very stiff tail. When theropods race, they have become an almost like a snake, which led to their head, then with the neck, torso, hips and tail. But Carnotaurus tail was so stiff that his entire back half would have to rotate as a whole. It could dash to hell in a straight line, but cornering was out of question. Prey could probably shot and the tissue around it.

Carnotaurus was a recent abelisaurids on stage, and many of his contemporaries who also had Aucasaurus Skorpiovenator and caudal ribs. These species could probably have gathered the same bursts of speed. However, former members of the group had less distinctive tail, suggesting that these hunters gradually evolved into sprints.

Carnotaurus was still alive when it is divided into South America with a much larger group of theropod - the carcharodontosaurids, or shark-toothed lizard. These include some of the largest theropod ever lived, including the Giganotosaurus and Tyrannotitan, big enough to drive the booty as Titanosaurus really huge.

People and see Currie, Carnotaurus, and their ilk went the opposite - an evolution is the smaller fighter, agile, quick bursts of speed of prey. Maybe they were the equivalents of the Cretaceous cheetah, sprint after smaller prey when they went to great quarry is more powerful than lions. If the asteroid had been out among the dinosaurs, perhaps Carnotaurus would eventually become the fastest stripes, and rear spoiler ...

For more information related to dinosaurs, visit rareresource.com.


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